Craig Butcher

Quick Bites - Sunshine City

Screen readers and data tables

Léonie's post about How screen readers navigate data tables is informative and explains how NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) works. It is recommended for Front End Developers to download and install this on Windows to test the pages.

JS 13k Games

Code a game using only HTML5 and JavaScript? Easy? How about doing it up to 13 kilobytes file size? The challenge is amusing and there has been some awesome games produced. Check out js13kgames if you like to enter!

The Lazarus heist

This is something straight out of a script writer's dream at Hollywood. BBC News: The Lazarus heist: How North Korea almost pulled off a billion-dollar hack is a gripping read.

App of the week is the missing package manager for macOS and it is neat where you can install command line (cli) tools and apps for example brew install openemu, it will fetch the app and install it for you. What is great about this package manager is that it installs cli tools in in /opt/homebrew meaning it won't install into the OS's /usr/bin directory

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