Week Note Three - Stressy Sleepy Week
Hello Vim (again) for writing
I am not entirely sure why I have switched back to Vim for writing. I think I absolutely love the minimalist text editor to write in. It is nice to regain focus rather than pulling up Visual Studio Code to write only text and get distracted by my brain where it rattles on about dozens of tasks to complete. Shush!
Bizarre issues with QEMU
Somehow I have trashed my macOS 9 image and rebuilt it while I was out while tethering to my phone to grab the macOS 9 ISO. After a few downloads inside the VM via Macintosh Garden, I switched back to my wifi when returning home noticing a loss of network connection. Switched back to tethering, the network came back. After creating an new linux VM while on wifi, it managed to work absolutely fine. Looks like I might have to create a network bridge to correct this madness...
Downtime in macOS
Possibly the best feature I have been using for the past couple of weeks. From 10pm to 7am, all of my devices goes into downtime mode where I can only access a limited set of apps which is emails and messaging. If I need to check something on the web, it will give me a choice of a minute, remind me in 15 minutes, or ignore limit for today. It has quite a healthly impact and led me to regain focus on things that matters. If I need to do a late-ish night (rare treat when parenting!) like a quick hour of gaming, I can ignore the limit for the day. Well played Apple for this neat idea.
And finally...
LinkedIn account has gone into the giant Internet bin. Honestly, it feels like a cess pit of pure utter chaos where recruiters seems to contact me at random hours, people doing polls, the "Did you know..." posts, and the awkwardness of not being your true self. Also, I need a piece of my time back! It is good to have a mental clear out in 2022!
Stay safe, when in doubt - mention it was a work event...