Week Note Twenty Two - What's next
Where is the interpreter?
If you have not heard of the website - Where is the interpreter - then check it out ASAP to see how we, Deaf people in the UK, are struggling with the lack of competence that the Government have been doing during the pandemic. The constant failure of the UK government to put a BSL (British Sign Language) interpreter like many other countries in the world are doing when it comes to important national news.
Mark it in your diary, 16th June 2021 is where the judicial review court day and let's hope for a good outcome where we can finally see an official BSL interpreter at No. 10 Downing Street.
Information is important for everyone in any form and it is an accessibility right.
Accessibility at Apple
One of the best news from Apple that been discovered lately from their newsroom
Apple previews powerful software updates designed for people with disabilities
There is a lot to unpack here. For example, SignTime where you can have an sign language interpreter without booking ahead of time which is available since May 20th. AssistiveTouch looks utterly sci-fi at this point with Eye-tracking support, exploring images with VoiceOver, and Memoji with cochlear implant add on!
Background sounds is a curious one to explore because after a while, noises can get to a point where it is difficult to 'control'. Introducing calmer sounds like "ocean, rain, and stream" will be handy to try.
It is a much deserved update happening for the users of the devices and as it may appears as 'done before', if it is that case to yourself, then welcome the new changes in with an open mind to see if technology has changed for the better. We should always give constructive feedback to companies to see how they can take the possibility of an idea and create something.
Keychron K3 update
A much deserve mini(!) update on the keyboard that is firmly the main driver for any devices in use.
And finally...
The site is going to be moved from .io to .net. The cost of domain names are slowly rising with ridiculous additional costs of adding privacy onto domains. Many domain companies are doing this yet the rest of them constantly tack on extras to bleed a few cash from people.
Stay safe, make ice tea.