Craig Butcher

Week Note Forty Four - The Return of The Lockdown

Deja Vu...

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy states that Boris Johnson and his Horrible Tories has once again confused the matter of the state confirming a second lockdown. It was widely misleading known as "The Great Confusion", there was a fierce debate of "Twilight Boris and The Cronies" of being absolute fooligans as they are, they will continue to roam the country as they please where the public hides indoors clinging onto their toilet rolls and pasta shells in the hope that they will not be caught by the Dominic Cummings.

All this on Halloween 2020.

Please for the sake of the British public, don't bloody panic buy everything, nothing has changed.

Second Foundation

The reading of Issac Asmiov's books continues and here we are, reading the final part of the original trilogy, the adventure continues. It has changed a lot of my views regarding humanity and what's next for us to achieve greatness.

If you want to learn about the universe, my suggestion is to read Wait But Why's The Fermi Paradox. It is a beautiful long form read, clear your schedule to learn.


Today is the first day of writing a novel as part of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I did it as part of the accord with a friend who is doing his as well. Now I need to come up with a plot, characters, a scenery, and lots of teas.

And finally...

Admittedly, things are in a state of flux with the planet with humanity raging at ridiculously mad things e.g. The U.S. Election, the insanity of The Tories in the U.K, COVID-19 continues to dominate everywhere, do I need to go on for the sake of it? We can't hide, we can't run, we have to deal with this head on.

Things cannot get done if we ignore it.

Stay safe, remember to breathe.

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