Craig Butcher

Week Note Twenty Six - Cool sweat

Order, secret!

Upon finishing the book, The Secret Barrister, I was dumbfounded at the current justice system in the United Kingdom, the overworked solicitors, the case workers, judges, the government that keeps cutting the funds to the courts to save on costs. And the barristers? These are the people who are defending or prosecuting in such ridiculous conditions in courts that they battle against the system day and night.

Admittedly, it took a while to complete the book because of understanding the jargons and the pure frustration of innocent people that suffered in the system led me to put the book down a few times. On a whole, it is an eyeopener of a book - a gripping fear and sense of hope that the justice system can change.

There is a new book incoming from the same author aptly titled "Fake Law: The Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies" coming out this September. Expect some more of the same of continuing horrors of the laws.


We all knew the usual humdrum of upgrades and ARM chipsets was on the horizon. The announcements of every OS upgrade, we were all blown away. When I wrote in my last week note twenty five:

Something tells me that we might see something that will change tech again.

Apple Silicon is exactly that. It's a big transition to leave Intel to an exciting fresh chipset leading the way that ARM chipsets can become mainstream on the desktop and laptops. It will take a good two years till it is fully complete.

The race is on, and who is going to play catch up in this ever-changing world of technology?


My sons cannot stop playing this game on the Nintendo Switch. There has been moments when I got asked to join in and got taught how to build blocks among other rules in the game. I secretly do like playing it and exploring around randomly generated worlds.

Mind when it is the 'grown up' gaming times in the evenings, I often play Assassin's Creed, The Witcher 3, and the odd retro gaming scene of Sega's arcade classics. Oh, and a cheeky battle against my wife at 51 Worldwide Games. I never knew my wife would be incredibly competitive...

And finally...

Apple's Foundation TV series is out in 2021 and it looks outstanding. I have not read the books and a good colleague at work recommended me to get started on The Caves of Steel. I have been meaning to read more of Isaac Asimov's books for a long while and this is a good excuse for me to get started.

Stay Robotic, Stay Functional.

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