Craig Butcher

Week Note Ten - Loo Rolls Nation


It has been interesting few weeks watching the news / social feed around the world of the pandemic disease and the panic buying of toilet rolls, hand sanitiser, and face masks has gone into overdrive. It is all down to simple hand washing technique and using hand sanitiser after you have been outside on public transport, using cash, meeting people, etc. The Guardian wrote an excellent guideline on how to protect yourself against coronavirus as recommended by World Health Organization.

Seriously, it won't be anything of the popular culture films or tv shows like Resident Evil, Mad Max, or The Walking Dead!

Escaping Tutorial Hell

Why we cannot escape them? Every day, there are titles in the form of "Learn this method to boost your CSS skills", "JavaScript, what you should be really learning", and countless bookmarks that I have been trying to get rid of. It is unhealthy because I don't have the brain power to consume and do.

After seeing 100+ tabs in three different browsers, it is time for my mind to be freed up. Learning is one thing, yet having a good mental health to nurture is must. It is time to limit my learning feed from now on.


Everyone does selfies. The idea of self portrait has been around since the earliest times (possibly mid 15th century) in form of paintings. The use of cameras dated from 1839 where Robert Cornelius produced his own self portrait and he recorded on the back "The first light picture ever taken. 1839." Take a look into the history of selfies (thanks to wikipedia!) and now here we are in the present day, everyone is doing selfies. I have to admit that I have done selfies and came to a realisation the other day that I do these to keep a mental snapshot of who I am. May it be part of a walk, sharing a moment with my wife, family, and friends, or being in the moment. It's a powerful tool to use if done correctly.

And finally...

Nerd Fonts will make your terminal fun and informative. Combine this with Oh My Zsh and SpaceShip Prompt, you will be probably spending most of your life using terminals.

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